Wednesday, February 10, 2010


1. Skinny jeans or flare jeans? Flare definitely!

2. Do you like graphic tees? depends what's on them...

3. What is your favorite store? Areopostale

4. Do you prefer the Preppy look or Gothic look? GOTHIC NO I guess it's preppy then.

5. The Mall or the thrift store? depends on what thrift store...but most likely mall.

6. Do you wear makeup? Only at home...

7. What is your style like?ummmm...I don't really know. Cute?

8. Do you wear designer clothes? Don't think so...

9. What type of shoes are you addicted to? None but I really like my sneakers...can't remember what they are...

10. Do you like dresses? sometimes...well depends on the dress..

11. What type of plaid do you prefer? I don't really wear plaid.

12. What is your designer nickname? (Designer nickname is something that begins with the first letter of your name and you may make one up if you want)Umm...I don't get it.

I tag...
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