Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How Many Books and Movies?!

We are the bookworms. We have hundreds of books. Literally.
Recently we gave six hundred books to my school and we still have a BUNCH!
So here is a walk through my house showing almost all of the places you will find books.


Notice the books on the top too.

Oh here's some..

Here's some more...

and more...

You can't forget these...


or these...


Birds and books are everywhere in this house.

See here's another one.

More books...

  And more!

Some more...


And a few more...

And more...

 And now movies...


Few more...

I was just rooting through our movies and found out that we have some Jane Austen books!
And Emma! Now I can watch it after I read it!!!
I'm going to watch Little Women tonight!
I need to look at their cloths and we are reading the book in class and I haven't seen it in forever so ya.


Well that's not even all...we have more hidden here and there and more are on the way. LOL


Alex Maria said...

Whoa!! That's a bunch!! :S xD

Alex Maria said...

Yes, I tagged you on my blog :D

Taylor said...

That is a lot of books, but I completely understand! :D My mom and my sisters and I love reading too!! :)

~Taylor registered & protected