Thursday, December 23, 2010

Vintagey Photoshoot

On the last day that we were supposed to have school (we didn't) a bunch of people went to my friend Hannah's house.  Hannah's dad has a ton of old rusted tractors and trucks and we decided it was time for a vintagey photoshoot!  My friend Abby is very photogenic and she shows that great in this photo.  I love it in black and white.  Makes it look even more vintage.  You're beautiful Abby.


I L-O-V-E this picture!  It's so old looking and has a lot of personality.

I just wanted a picture "driving" General Lee!


An old broken windshield.

All the goofballs decided they wanted to see what Jett would look like as a girl.  haha!

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Luv your pictures!
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