Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Drawings!

Hannah from Aspire just put up a bunch of her drawings and she inspired me to put mine up too!
This one is my character from the group story, Laurel.
Sorry that it is sideways. I forgot to flip it.

This is a drawing of Laurel and her dragon Cerelda.

This is just a random drawing of a girl hanging onto a rope over the water.

This is an elf.

This is Queen Clarion from Disney Fairies.

This is Bess frim Disney Fairies

This is the cover of The Secret Garden.

This is my favorite!
I called it Gardian Angel.
(I was looking at another drawing when I drew this but theirs was just to horses not a horse and an angle horse.)

Horses from a story I was going to write.

The dragons off of the covers of Eragon, Eldest, and Brisingr.
(sorry it's sideways! Oops!)

Another elf.

Spirit! I LOVE that movie!

Cash one of my Breyer horses.

Rain from the movie Spirit.

This was supposed to be Arwen but it doesn't really look like her.

Another horse bu it might be from Spirit.

A pretty good person.

Another good person.

I don't know where I was going with this one but I think it turned out pretty good.

I hope you like my pictures!


Hayley said...


Taylor said...

I love your drawings!! My favorites were the horse pictures. :) I can't draw very well at all, unfortunately! I just use stick figures. lol!


Emily Ann said...

I liked your horse pictures the best! I also love the movie Spirit!

Your sister in Christ,

Tessa Voccola said...

Thanks! I love how they draw Spirit...very cool!

Hannah Nicole said...

I like the 3rd one (elf swinging on a tree) and the one below your Saphira/Thorn/Glaedr drawing.

The horse ones were nice too. :)


Taylor said...

Loved the drawings, especially Rain and that dragon with the the girl. I could never draw that. In fact, I could never draw anything!

Anonymous said...

Tessa, I tagged you for an award. I like your drawings.

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