Friday, May 22, 2009


A few weeks ago my friend Abby and I went to watch one of my classmates have a tennis mach against Mr. Peterson, my school's headmaster. Abby and I walked around the lake instead of watching and had a photo shoot.
Abby over the lake!
Me in a Tree!

Not my best picture! I have NO IDEA what made me do that!Abby looks good though!Abby and me with our matching flowers.
I LOVE this photo! Abby's idea but I handled the camera!

Abby acting silly!

Awesome shot if I say so my self!

I really like this photo! Best photo of me in the bunch!

Well, I go to go! Bye


Terri Farley said...

HI Tessa,
What lovely photos and thanks for enjoying my books. I love writing them and you've placed me in some good literary company, too!
Reading rocks,
Terri Farley

Tessa Voccola said...

Thanks! I REALLY LOVE your books! I have not read the "Island Stallion"
but I want to SO bad! Thank you so much for looking at my blog! registered & protected