Saturday, August 9, 2008

Special Saturday

Last Saturday my mom took me, my Indian friends,
and Merrylegs out for a special day together.

First we went to the Family Book Outlet.
Can you find Merrylegs the horse?

My Indian friends enjoy reading also.

Here we are looking for books.
Can you find my Indian friends?

Here we are at Fresh Produce.
Can you find my friends?

Now we are at Olive Garden.

Here are the books we were reading while we waited.

I like this book!
Can you find my friends in this picture?

Can you find one of my Indian friends?
The other one really did disappear.
We have no idea where she went!

Look! A lemon boat!

1 comment:

Casey said...

That's so funny with your Indian friends and horse friend hiding! I liked looking for each of them in the pictures. registered & protected