Sunday, April 22, 2012

chalk-covered walkways

 This weekend I went to something quite unique.  It was called a chalk-walk.  Artist came from all over to buy a sidewalk square to chalk their art in.  Since we are doing one in my town in a couple weeks, my sister, mom, Nate, and my friend, Jen headed down to get inspired.  The chalk drawing below had to be my favorite chalk drawing we saw, probably because it was named after one of my favorite songs by Needtobreathe, not to mention it looks awesome!

 I thought this was pretty creative, if not interesting.
 Even little kids and their dads got involved, maybe slightly less impressive but no less creative.
 And we ended the night laughing around pizza at TomatoHead.  If you have never eaten there, you need to!  Head to Knoxville right now!  It's all organic and wonderful, and really, who doesn't like a good ol' pizza, especially one this good?
 Oh, and I got my hair cut and now I have bangs!  But I guess you'll have to wait until next time to see those beauties.  I love them! 


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter in a Tent

This Easter was different than the rest, probably because of the big tent in my church's parking lot.  That's not exactly normal.  But who said Arrowhead was normal?
We planned for one thousand people and we ended up topping that number.  It was so exciting and unique to see everybody worshiping in a tent and to see all the volunteers work together so well.
I handed out bulletins, worked the Ipad, and took pictures.
(by the way, I want this girl's hair.  and style...)

The band was great, as usual.
God really moved through the tent, you could tell just by looking around and 30 or more people came to Christ for the first time.  That in itself was amazing and exciting.
My favorite kids in the whole, wide world!
I loved my outfit so much!  It is so vintage looking and totally me!
Dress: Forever21
Shoes: Thrift Store
Cardigan: Unknown

Yeah, Easter was pretty exciting.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Or for me better known as Ipodography.  I am pretty much in love with Instagram and I post on it almost everyday.  It's nice to have a camera at my fingertips for those times when I see weird things, want to take a quick picture with my friend, or want to catch a moment when I don't have my Canon.  Now it does not take the place of my beloved Canon by any means!  But it is nice to have.  And you even get to have people heart your picture...awwww.  haha.
I use Instagram to take pictures of my outfits and jewelry.

I capture beautiful moment I want to remember like my niece Irish dancing in our front yard under the amazing blue sky.



Snapping quick pictures of an even quicker baby.


Pictures of the sky as I rush out the door in the mornings.


And adorable, snazzy cars!


let's just say, I love photography in any form possible...especially if I can make it look older than it is.  haha.
Thank you everyone who reads my crazy posts about nothing and everything.  You all make me so happy.  By the way, if anyone knows of a good tutorial for installing and using actions in Photoshop Elements, please let me know!  I am completely lost!
P.S. Happy late April Fools!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

life is a lovely thing...

being alive is such a wonderful thing.  there are days when i just wish i could disappear.  days when i wish i didn't have to see anyone i knew.  days i wish i could go somewhere, anywhere else.  but sometimes there are days when being alive and staying in the place i am is so wonderful.  but i always long to see something different, lovely, and remarkable.  i long to see children blowing bubbles and laughing when they burst in their faces.  i long to see pink-streaked sunrises and walk in the morning breeze.  my longings were fulfilled in the last week.  i was an anonymous girl in the midst of bathing suit clad people on the beach.

i'm in love with bubbles...especially when they look like this!
i painted my toes all pretty.
i've never seen Jett so happy as when he was at the beach and in the water.  he is definitely a water baby!
we even had a sand castle contest and instead of making a castle, we made a turtle.
sunglasses pictures are literally the best!
i'm in love with the beach.  every part of it.  i love the feel of the sand between my toes and the frigid water rushing over my feet.  i adore the smiles on kids faces while they attempt to jump the waves and race each other to the shore.  Early morning walks, shark teeth hunting, and reading filled my week.

i am an expert shark-tooth-impersonator finder.  meaning, i find every single rock, shell, etc. that looks like a shark's tooth...but i finally found a couple.  let's just say i was pretty excited.
i don't think Jett was too thrilled with the fact that we were still taking pictures of him stating his age!
 let's just say that every longing i had was fulfilled and that God truly blessed my weekend.  i loved it and i can't wait until next year. registered & protected