Tuesday, January 31, 2012

what i wore...

This weekend we went to Goodwill and besides finding oversized sweaters and really fun striped sweater (I'll show that one soon) I got this really artsy, fun shirt.  I love it so much.  And when you add a hat, well, it just makes it better.  I wore this to a basketball game and with my camera I felt like the most artsy person in the world.  Or at least in the room!
shirt: Goodwill, pants: unknown, hat: friend's grandmother, boots: Anthropology.

I'm in love with my new haircut.  It's so cute and so much easier to deal with!  

I redid my room over Christmas break and I made a photography wall and I discovered last night that it makes the perfect self-portrait wall!

Look it's me!
I'm starting a thirty day photography challenge and this is the first two days; self-portrait and what I wore.  I hope that wherever you are that your day is wonderful!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

choosing to serve

My school has service projects planned for our class throughout the year.  I think my favorite service project will always be working at the food drive at my friend's church.  We helped give hundreds of people clothes, food, toys for their kids, and tell them about the love of Jesus Christ.  We have so much fun serving others and joking with each other.  On the last service project I brought my camera with the solemn vow to take pictures and not worry about if I disturb someone with my shutter or the simple fact that I have a big camera pointed at them.  I want to learn to take pictures of real moments, not something staged like mine so often are.  The results were beautiful.  

"For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me...Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me."
Matthew 25
The feet of a servant comes in many sizes.

"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

And while blessing others, we laughed until our sides hurt.

We showed our love for really big glasses.

And passed it on.

Even teachers got in on the fun.

And me of course!

I praise God for the opportunity I have every year to touch a person's heart with His love.  I come back so blessed when I serve.  And serving with some of my favorite people on the earth makes it even more of a blessing.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

a discovery

I have discovered that I have a love for sports photography.  I like that it is such an unpredictable way to shoot.  You can shoot a hundred pictures and only end up with ten really good ones.  And your pictures are never the same.  But as much as I love it, I'm still lacking a lot of experience in the sports photography department so if you have any advice, at all, please leave a comment or you could even email me!  Just look to the right and hit the "contact me" button.  Thanks a ton. 
Oh, and did you notice my new header?  I am loving the change!  What about you?  Anything else I should change?
We have a student or "Cornerstone Crazies" section at our basketball games now.  They all look excited don't you think?  You gotta love the crazies.

Getting ready to reach for the sky.

Will it go in?  Will it roll out?  Now that is the question.

I have a problem when I'm at a basketball game.  I'm a little more than crazy.  Actually, I pretty much am the meaning of crazy.  I yell the whole time and I seriously think I get more into it than 95% if the people there.  I'm pretty positive I get it from my mom.  And I get told I should be a coach all the time because I tell the team what to do even though I don't even play basketball.  So, if you ever stop in a basketball game in east Tennessee and see a girl that looks a bit like me going crazy, well, now you know.

There's my favorite nephew (or one of them) shooting free throws.  He's pretty good considering he has to play with high schoolers most of the time.  He and his best friend, Seth are my favorite people on the team!

There's Seth waiting for the ball.  His brother, Aidan, is the blur.  The blue guy, well, I have no idea who he is.  haha!

Christian preparing for his one shot.

team huddle

sitting on the bench

What's your favorite kind of photography?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas at my house...

This Christmas was nice.  Had all my family there and my brother, Ryan got to come too.  It was a little bit weird though because it was in the 40-50 degrees and there was absolutely no snow.  In fact, we're getting our first real snow right now...maybe we'll have a delay on school tomorrow.  That would be great!
My mom's antique ornaments that hung from the chandelier this year.

I finally took time to try out bokeh this year!  I love this effect so much!

Pretty ornaments. 

colorful bokeh.

looking through our old family albums for pictures of my dad in the 80s or something!

Here comes Batman!

We have these glasses that when you put them on it changes the lights into shapes.  I think it worked just as well with a camera!

This looks like a bunch of inchworms!

This is my favorite picture of the holidays.  Kenzie was throwing out reindeer food.  It's one of our traditions.

Jett giving Nate a head scratch...he's probably happy that he is using it on someone else instead of us doing to to him all the time!  Jett doesn't like it that much...haha!

 Ryan working on his lottery ticket and Nate's priceless face!  He's such a goofball!

The next morning, I woke up at 6:23 on the dot and after laying in my bed for a while, I decided to go spy downstairs.  So, I turned on the heat to cover any sounds of my footsteps on the stairs and made my way down the stairs.  What did I find, you may ask.  Well, sure I found plenty of presents, a half eaten cookie, and a big tree but I also found...NATE!  He was asleep on the couch and he'd been there since 5:30.  So, I tiptoed back of the stairs and woke up my parents.  I then proceeded to wake up everyone else. 
Kenzie had made me promise to wake her up because she was afraid that she would miss it.  First I woke up Nate from his bed on the couch and then I headed for Ross.  I tip toed in and whispered, "Ross!  Ross!  Wake up!"  and he replied, "What do you want!" I guess he's not a morning person?
When I woke up Kenzie, her eyes popped open and she jumped a mile.  I scared her very badly.  It was funny though.  And she was just glad she didn't miss it!
The boys with their new swords.  Surprisingly, I still haven't heard anyone scream about getting hit with those.

My present to Ross.

Cookies, carrots, and letter.

Jett and I playing with the toys Nate made for Jett.  They're amazing!

Kenzie's favorite present---Kit, the American Girl doll.  She's been wanting her for months!  She was pretty excited!

There's my favorite baby in the whole-wide-world!

My big brother, Ryan.  He just got accepted into the Special Forces.  He's pretty excited about it.

I'm in love with Sharpies.

I was SUPER excited about getting this!  Anyone have any tips on how to use it?  

I L-O-V-E this necklace my sister made.  She's so awesome!  But I mean, this just fits me so well!  I legally shoot people!  How awesome is that?

I hope you had an amazing Christmas and New Years!  I'm excited to start a new year and I can't wait to see what God has for me this year!
Hopefully I won't be so long between posts in the future!  I love you guys!  Happy 2012!

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