Chapter 1
The Truth
Our story starts one stormy night with Wild Fire, a red pinto mare,Bella, a chestnut filly, and Wings, a silvery black colt,huddled in a clump under some trees.Wild Fire is nervous and Bella and Wings sense something is wrong.
Wild Fire jerks her head up,and as she searches through the dark downpour she sees it. The eyes, the eyes of the Marwolves,the biggest wolves alive.Trying to stay calm she starts to tell Bella and Wings to run but before even one word was out her mouth a wolf pounced on her. As she try's to buck him of she yells "WINGS, GO HOME!" "This is my home!" screamed Wings. "No it isn't I'm not your real mom.Your parents were killed in battle and now it's up to YOU to safe the herd before it's too late! Take Bella and run NOW!" So they ran until the forest grew still. They layed down in the bushes to exhausted to talk but before Wings fell asleep he thought
"I'm an orphon, I am an orphon."